
Rambles of a demented soul. Leading a quiet life on the rock, with dogs and chickens. Have been on the planet almost 7 decades. Born in the depression, been through some more in better times, but have survived pretty much intact physically. Born an artist, have done music, art, drafting, cooking at various times in sequential decades. I am fascinated with geology, and consider myself a fossil...... will die an artist. Artists don't retire. Nothing to retire from!!!!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I Keep Hearing America Singing

setting things up in my Myspace page I penned [sic] this early coffee rush: It sounded sort of nice and I do intend to write a book about my love for all kinds of noise, that we call music....
Brad and Ed in Singer's Fight Club have nothing to do with it, but I like the poster.....

Music, Maestro, Pleeeeeeze

Trying to keep up. Prowd of the NC bands. T for Texas. T for Tenneesee, but the Tar Heels get there rock and roll off as good as any.... music is essential and the garage band generation never had it so good. Walt Whitman heard America singing way back then, and we have never shut up!! I keep playing songs in my head. (Or In college, I played orchestra, listened to Bach, wrote fugues. But. Spoodie Oodie was be-bop hot and.... Danced to Stan Kenton and Woody Herman before Jerry Lee Lewis got smokin'... Big Mama Thornton and all the rest taught Elvis how to sing... But before you could say Jack Shit, here comes Bob Dylan! Damn. I was still getting over Kingston Trio, and here came Joan Baez! Sunami's like Beach Boys and Janis rolled over the land, Doors banging, and of course the Brits got hot rocks, Fire-power from Albion, stones and beatles majorly figured in the mix, Filmore east and west, north and south, Alman Brothers and Leonard S., and the rest is history, but for power metal Led Z, and the 70's with enough glam make-up to sink the Titanic again, thanks Alice Cooper, only to be saved by a life raft called punk! Sexy Pistols and a bunch of Ramones Clashed!! Plate Techtonics fused LA with London. Bruce Springsteen brought things up to date-rape, but before you could say "Pet Shop Boys", and new syncronism occured, and Ska did not go away inspite of the Police, some Cheep Trick or other wants you to want them! and the band so good it duran duraned itself to death, but that was then: B.N., Before Nirvana and the grung explosion in volatile Seattle and spread. Whew. Nine Inch balls!!!! and punk never went away, just ask Green Day, Green Day, Green Day! and what else, Weezer, what else???, where is the Sonic of my Youth and Bob Dylan sounding off loud and clear, songs for all seasons, he never stops inventing, and Willie, Waylan and the boys never sounded so good, and on it goes, A for Austin, N for Nashville.... New York and San Francisco and LA used to have it all, but not anymore. Who do you listen to today? Anything you can cram into the silly old iPod. No more beautiful Morning Glory horns and cactus needles to scratch out music from the groovy groove groove!!

Hats off to Classic Case, hoping the new work turns into masterpiece!!! In LA right as we spell check, dammit, recording number 2.... thats where its at, Mama Cass!

oh yes: Rapp!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Rant. Rant. Rant. Not for those who love Bush to read.

There is a flap over ABC's 9/11 two part show, reportedly written by a Russ Limbaugh pal, and blaming the bombing of the Twin Towers on the lack of preparedness by the Clintonites. This is to exhonerate Bush, according to Maureen Dowd in the NY TIMES today, for the mess that followed:

"W. is pulling out all the stops this week to try to make people forget he was in charge when the twin towers were hit, but if he’s doing so great, why is Osama releasing new tapes while Afghanistan crumbles while Pakistan stands ready to implode while Lebanon has already exploded while Iran goes nuclear and taunts us while Al Qaeda in Iraq calls on its followers to kill Americans 'by a sniper bullet, spear, explosive or martyrdom car'?"

How long is this sorry mess going on? The september surprise to influence the elections? Playing catchup after the Bush August-long vacations leading to disasters? Bin Laden bombers, and Mother Nature's Katrina, for example? Leading us into war with Iraq with lies about atomic bombs, etc....

Bush is without doubt the worst and most dangerous president of these United States that I have had to live with in my 70 years on this planet. And I put down Isenhour because I loved Adlai, thought Nixon was bad news and rejoiced when he got caught and disgraced. I thought Ronald Reagan was silly and knew we had elected a senile president, but enjoyed his morning in America, never-the-less. (And I worked for Halliburten and bought my piece of Texas rock for my dumb old ass to rest on in my dotage.) Bush Sr was horrible, but he self distructed and any Democrat could beat him, even with Ross Perot trying to spoil everything. Clinton I loved because he talked my language, a language I understand. I could not understand anything from the Bushes except there pretty lies written by some smart-ass ghost writer!!! rant rant rant...
I would proably accepted favors from the likes of Monica and lied about it too.

O tempus, O mores!!! Odi et amo!

Guess I should go to Washington with Casey's mom and let my voice be heard. This is still a democracy, if we can keep it.... I forget, though. I am an anarchist. Not by choice. By necessity, goddamit!!! The Rock forever....

Here in my humble room I sit at the Mac and contemplate a world I did not make.......