
Rambles of a demented soul. Leading a quiet life on the rock, with dogs and chickens. Have been on the planet almost 7 decades. Born in the depression, been through some more in better times, but have survived pretty much intact physically. Born an artist, have done music, art, drafting, cooking at various times in sequential decades. I am fascinated with geology, and consider myself a fossil...... will die an artist. Artists don't retire. Nothing to retire from!!!!!!

Monday, March 08, 2010

Constellation Orion, the Hunter

Inspired to write this, because I have trouble remembering star names...

Orion, Orion... my first stellar love!!!!!

Alpha Betelgeuse, oh what a name, the big red, about to blow...

Regal, the royal blue
beta diamond, cold fire...

Belatrix, a name brought to cruel shame by J.K.R., the wicked Black witch of Harry Potter fame...

Saiph, Kappa in order make the frame complete....

the belt Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka

with M43 and M42, the star nursery sword...
reflection nebulae, horse head in there somewhere,

heavenly jewels sparkling the winter night....

Sunday, March 07, 2010

primary colors

Texas Primary

Perry won, ominously, by a large margin, showing the anti-Washinton spirit of the Republican electorate. Perry who called for secession for the state at one point.... this anti federal government feeling is popular with his crowd.... and the distorts his record of effectiveness. Has in the past made a big deal about not accepting federal largess, as a protest, for funds to help education. The climate gets worse, as he rejects environmental demands to curb coal burning for power.... continuing the policy of letting the polluters write the laws... etc...

No telling where this will lead. Bill White, the overwhelming choice for Democratic opponent in it's primary, is considered to have a better chance at defeating him than Kay Bailey who is more centrist in political philosophy... Bill is Moderate, while Perry gets farther and farther to the right.... May sensible reason will return and we would get the state out of the retarded hands the right wing Republicans hold on the politics and persuasion this red red state has. Dick Army is still in the shadows, so let us beware....