
Rambles of a demented soul. Leading a quiet life on the rock, with dogs and chickens. Have been on the planet almost 7 decades. Born in the depression, been through some more in better times, but have survived pretty much intact physically. Born an artist, have done music, art, drafting, cooking at various times in sequential decades. I am fascinated with geology, and consider myself a fossil...... will die an artist. Artists don't retire. Nothing to retire from!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

We gotta hand it to him!

Obama for Pres

Blogspot just changed me over to my google accout and I almost forgot what I wanted to put on there. Oh yes. That funny slip Biden made: Quote:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy ... I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Sharptons reply was that he bathes every day. Jesse, who is inspiring and artulate.. just punted.

Obama, Obama a wonderful guy!
he's got it: Charisma
that reaches the sky.....

A great fight ensuing: Hillary vs. Barak....


Camille Paglia

Camille Paglia is back at Salon after 6 years! I love to read that bright gal! Check out this quote:

"I love the way Barack Obama has nimbly upstaged the ponderous Hillary machine. It's a Bette Davis/Joan Crawford bitch fest! But Obama's effusive gusts of generalities irritate me; it's all sizzle and no steak right now. He needs seasoning: 2012 may be his year. I wish Nancy Pelosi were running. Despite her foot-dragging mishandling of the flap over her transcontinental military jet, Pelosi has style and pizazz and knows how to put the shiv in while smiling ever so brightly at the cameras. She's brass knuckles in a velvet glove, and I'm loving every minute of it."

Saturday, February 03, 2007

It's Saturday, Opera season

Adolfo Hohenstein
Mimì e Rodolfo:

Soli d'inverno è cosa da morire!
Soli! Mentre a primavera
c'è compagno il sol!

Ah, to be alone in winter is death!

La Boheme forever. Probably the most heavenly beautiful opera ever.... Love in poverty... deprevation.... but joy and love lift the tragedy and waste to sublime levels.... the harmony and texture and weaving and twining of voices and orchestra has rarely been so perfect... color and line entwine like a Mucha poster....

(nel Cabaret fracasso di piatti e bicchieri rotti)

Would not like to be without opera. A life time obsession. The Met on Saturday afternoon. I soaked it up in the womb, according to Mama. She listened regularly. I was born Feb 23rd, opera season at its best....