
Rambles of a demented soul. Leading a quiet life on the rock, with dogs and chickens. Have been on the planet almost 7 decades. Born in the depression, been through some more in better times, but have survived pretty much intact physically. Born an artist, have done music, art, drafting, cooking at various times in sequential decades. I am fascinated with geology, and consider myself a fossil...... will die an artist. Artists don't retire. Nothing to retire from!!!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

the new year

So much for resolutions! Here it is 2009 and have not made a dent since????? well. I am rejoicing to see that Obama made it and will be our 44th president this week!...

much has happened and the last 2 campaign years have been totally absorbing... been following twitterlike Salon, NY Times, Slate, Huffington Post mainly...

will get some pics out of the closet or something and blog.